The FuBars President’s Welcome (in full)

THE FUBARS : “We don’t replace any organisation that has gone before us, we are new and unique. We are Nomadic so can be inclusive on a national scale, roaming the UK and potentially further afield with a rock up and play attitude.”

President’s Welcome

Welcome to the Forces Barbarians, our website home, our members’ hub for information and where you too can become a member – either as a HM Forces member (playing or not), or as a Social Member – the membership option for those of you who have never been a part of HM Forces.

I am Tony Lewis who was recently humbled, honoured and delighted to be asked to be President of this celebration of forces camaraderie 
through Rugby.

You will see that our mission is to support the Military 
community through a common love of rugby, match playing, charitable fund raising
and that all important socialising in the third half, which is where you will find me by the way if you want to swing a lamp.

We offer a further opportunity on top of all the great forces 
organisations and associations to extend the life of friendship, 
banter and competitive rugby which was so highly valued in our serving 
years and is so important to many in post service years.

We welcome all branches of the service and all units within those 
branches, we are inclusive and welcoming, I know I don’t need to say 
this to armed forces veterans or those of a certain age still serving 
who play or follow rugby, but don’t be shy, reach out and join us, we 
don’t bite …. well not in the back row anyway.

We don’t replace any organisation that has gone before us, we are new and unique. We are Nomadic so can be inclusive on a national scale, 
roaming the UK and potentially further afield with a rock up and play 
attitude. We are pioneering which is never without challenges and so might make the odd mistake as we grow and learn but that is also how to constantly improve.

We are for military veterans and so able to offer subtle and subliminal support through meeting, playing and supporting forces veterans rugby.

We are supportive, of the military community through a 
common love of the game and the ability to meet up with like minded 
veterans for a bit of sport … on and off the field.

We are non political and the only wings we know are either side of the pitch. In the first week of launching, our impromptu (and perhaps prematurely launched) Facebook group garnered 1200 members within the first week of operation, but now it’s time to turn those 
followers into full time playing or non playing members, and of course socil members for our civilians supporters.

We have a fantastic committee of committed, dedicated, down to earth, 
straight talking, selfless and self deprecating (of course) individuals, with an equally impressive grasp of our oh so valuable ‘squaddie’ humour (please insert airman, matelot, marine or Rodney as you see fit). The committee have a broad skill set and are already established as an outstanding operational team as only ex forces can do.

Rugby has always been a sporting extension to forces life, a close bed 
fellow of people who needed; strength, courage, fighting spirit and a never say die attitude, Forces Barbarians ….  ‘the Fubars’ …. carry that on for the benefit of all our playing and no playing members.

 From a personal point of view, after serving my time in the Army of 
the 80’s I have had 30 years in the automotive business and so a 
network outside of Forces life that has in part also enabled my 
families charitable trust …. ‘the 353 trust’ to raise over £1m which 
was directed to a range of lesser known or well funded military 
charities on the proviso it provided targeted and direct support to 
individuals or families. In turn we have been supported by Old 
Leamingtonians Rugby club and their wonderful ‘Rugby4Heroes’ charitable endeavours. This has also included financial support from the initial Forces Barbarians games.

It is therefore fitting and appropriate that we are an affiliated club 
of Old Leamingtonians giving us the benefits of RFU support and cover, 
as well as a base and clubhouse facilities and we thank OL’s 
sincerely for that.

So as a group we have extensive experience of all that we want to 
cover and achieve and a support network outside of Fubars for those 
who might need any support on top of what we do through rugby.

Like many of you I suspect, my rugby playing days were allied to my 
Army days, I played my first ever game at Sandhurst against the Navy 
and my last in Aldershot 6 years later where a torn ACL called time on 
both rugby and the army, but I wouldn’t change the times I had then or 
the times to come now with the ‘Fubars’. I got to play in some 
outstanding and strange locations like Belize and while serving with 
the UN in Cyprus, including a 10’s game against a Fijian touring 
military side … I didn’t know they were the national team …. until 
that first big hit which had my balls ringing for about a fortnight 
… I can still feel it now !

I hope you will join us as we grow ‘The FuBars’, take them further 
afield, stretch what’s credible and capable, making friends, memories 
and having fun trying.

Welcome to The Forces Barbarians.